Saturday, May 14, 2005

Little Hog Island, Part 20

Rosy is working at the Fish Market at the Old Port! The very market I go to every year to take pictures of dead fish. The one they sell postcards of. We went there today and I took pictures of dead fish and of Rosy. I would like to post one as my daily picture, but I am not sure I can upload it here, and Rita is taking a nap so I can't ask her. She doesn't have Picasa so I'm not sure how to post pictures anyway. I think I will skip the pictures until I get home and then post them for the trip.

Discovery at Little Hog Island, part 20

Part 1, part 19

“Your research project is bringing up memories for me,” Ross said, stuffing his mouth full of the Fretta they were sharing. “I had a dream last night about Billy Owens.”

At first, Dana didn’t understand him. His mouth was full, and his words came out a bit garbled. She was about to say, ‘What?’ when she realized what he had said.

“Are you going to share it with me?”

“If I hadn’t intended to, I wouldn’t have brought it up.”


“I dream I am in a bathtub and everyone is looking down at me. I am surrounded by people, and they are trying to get me out of the bathtub. I want to tell them to hurry, but I can’t speak. Someone knocks the drain release and the water turns into a huge whirlpool. I am sucked down the drain. The last thing I see are all these hands reaching for me, but they look like hands through a fish-eye lens. A through a big bubble.”

“What does that have to do with Billy Owens?”

“In the dream, I am Billy Owens.”

part 21

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